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Customs Issue
General Situation
Dealing with replica shipping is quite tricky. As a dealer, we fully need to know which delivery method is fast and safe to different countries. Some countries have light customs check, some countries have moderate customs check, and a few countries have terribly problematic customs handling. This issue has been the biggest fear of many customers to buy replica watches from a different country.
How you guarantee the BEST and SAFEST shipping method?
This is a high frequently asked question. From our experiences running replica watch business since 2012, we have been through many challenges of replica watch delivery to other countries. We learned from our experiences and we finally know which shipping method is the best and the safest way to any different countries in the end. Here are some points how we handle the best shipping method below:
- We already know by our past experiences which way is the best. We know to which countries we can do direct shipment with EMS, DHL etc, and we know to which countries we need to do triangular shipment like via UK.
- We work with well experienced shipping agents. They handle millions of packages to deliver to different countries, they know the current security situation in some particular countries, and they update us how to deal with that.
- We recommend the shipping method to all customers concerned about that.
- We do "undervalue" on the package we deliver to avoid customs tax or import fees on arrivals.
- We have "white" and "black" list of the countries to do perfect delivery, or not to do. You can ask us see if your country is good to go.
What if the package faces customs PROBLEMS or even gets SEIZED?
We cannot control the customs regulation in every countries as a business. We know by experiences but they will do random check sometimes, especially on suspicious packages come from suspicious countries like China. We can say the probability is about 1-3%, which means out of 30 packages randomly we deliver, only 1 may will face customs issue. Customs issue doesn't mean necessarily getting seized, there are some different problems usually happen:
- The details are not complete or not clear. For example, the sender details or receiver details. They usually contacted each of both parties to clarify. In this case, we will help you to solve this issue. They usually let the package pass after all or return it to the sender.
- The package declaration or value is suspicious to them and doesn't make sense to them. Because we do undervalue and they usually require you to provide the additional proofs, such as invoice and payment proofs that match to the value declared on the package. In this case, we will help you to provide "fake" invoice and payment proofs to solve this issue. They will release it after all.
- Broken Packaging. They usually return the package back to the sender for this case. In this case, we will re-deliver the package to your address.
- Seized. The package has been seized due to brands fakery rules or replica rules in the country.In this case, we will arrange a replacement to send again to your address or refund you as our discussion.
- Please note that we are not responsible for your any customs tax or import fees. Tax charging happens in some countries sometimes.
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